Tuesday 17 September 2019 at 19:30h

Tropentag 2019

Amphitheatre (near Hollaendischer Platz), University of Kassel, Germany

On 17 September, CELEP member organisations Agrecol (Association for AgriCulture and Ecology), DITSL (German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture) and VSF (Vétérinaires Sans Frontières) Belgium present the Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival as part of the Tropentag 2019 conference organised by the Universities of Kassel and Goettingen at the University of Kassel.

The film festival aims to deepen understanding of how diverse peoples across the world gain their livelihoods from extensive livestock production. The relationships of pastoralist people and animals and their food production systems reflect an intimate intertwining of culture, economy and ecology in harsh environments such as drylands and mountains. In such environments, livestock mobility plays a key role.

Pastoralism is a rational and economically viable landuse system that can generate significant returns in dryland and mountainous regions, but widespread misunderstanding about pastoralism has often left it underprotected, undervalued and a victim of uninformed policies. However, this livelihood system is ideally suited to the climatic and economic uncertainties of our turbulent century. The film festival showcases visual media that will spark dialogue, inspire debate and complement the presentation of research at the Tropentag conference. Films of different genres – documentary, narrative and animated, made by pastoralists (participatory video) and/or about pastoralists – offer insights into issues important to them.

Venue: Amphitheatre (near Hollaendischer Platz), University of Kassel, Germany


19h15: Welcoming remarks

19h30: Short films from Niger, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, India, France, Spain, Ireland & Mongolia

21h45: Feature film: Shepherdess of the Glaciers (India, 2015, 1 hour 13 minutes) by Stanzin Dorjai & Christiana Mordelet



Niger, 2017, 4:59 min. teaser

Ngaynaaka: herding chaos

Saverio Krätli

This documentary focuses on how pastoralists thrive despite climate change. As the environment becomes more unpredictable all over the world, people face higher costs in an effort to sustain the usual strategies to control it. The WoDaabe pastoralists in Niger show that there is another way.

Watch the teaser here

Niger, 2012, 17:57 min

Waynaabe: life scenes of the Wodaabe

Francesco Sincich

“Waynaabe” shows the life of nomadic Wodaabe livestock keepers through the eyes of the young mother Mooro. Her unmarried niece Mariama explains the worso, a ceremonial gathering of their clan in Akadaney. The film highlights how the Wodaabe value their cattle and deal with the challenges of gaining a livelihood in the drylands of Niger. It was commissioned by Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VSF) Belgium to show the setting of their work on animal health.

Watch the full film here

Ethiopia, 2013, 7 min

Lower Omo: local tribes under threat

Filmmaker deliberately not named

This advocacy film by the Oakland Institute (USA) reveals the situation of agropastoralists in the Lower Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is home to about 200,000 people from several ethnic groups, e.g. Bode, Dassenach, Hamer, Karo, Kwegu, Mursi, Nyangatom and Suri. Most of them raise livestock where the Omo River’s annual flooding replenishes grazing areas and practise flood-retreat cropping on the floodplains. Their cattle are a source of food, wealth and pride, and are intimately tied to their cultural identity. Their lives and culture are threatened by the construction of the Gibe III Dam.

Watch the full film here

Uganda, 2018, 24:13 min

UnderMining Karamoja

Karamoja Development Forum

It is 20 years since the start of industrial mining in Karamoja. This film explores reasons why the industry is far from contributing to socioeconomic gains in this largely pastoral region, and worse, how it is shaping up massive land grabs that are undermining the livelihoods of pastoralists and other inhabitants of the area.

Watch the full film here

Tanzania, 2015, 15:37 min


Filmmakers: 6 Maasai community members in Loliondo

This video on their struggles for land rights was made by six community members from five Maasai clans in northern Tanzania during a training by InsightShare in participatory video (PV). In 1992, a hunting company from the United Arab Emirates occupied 1500 sq. km of village land in Loliondo to set up a private game reserve beside the Serengeti National Park. Since then, Maasai have been denied access to vital pasture and waterpoints for their herds. The people suffered mass eviction from their villages within the disputed land. The PV training strengthened the Maasai’s own advocacy to resist landgrabbing by foreign investors.

Watch the full film here

India, 2018, 7:36 min

Preserving Rajasthan’s camel herds

Cornelia Borrmann (reporter), Deutsche Welle

The Raika people in India have been herding camels in Rajasthan for centuries. But their traditional way of life is now under threat. A German NGO, the League for Pastoral Peoples, is trying to create a perspective for the camel herders through the sale of camel milk and other products, in order to help the Raika sustain their livelihood.

Watch the full film here

Belgium, 2019, 2:02 min

Let’s not export our problems

Switch asbl

This brief animation shows how milk exports from Europe are inhibiting development of markets for milk from pastoral and other herds in West Africa. The Milk Campaign organised by SOS Faim, Oxfam, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières, European Milk Board and Mon Lait est Local shows the serious consequences of the European milk crisis for dairy producers in South and North.

Watch the full film here

Ireland, 2018, 10:30 min

Stories from the landscape: cattle drove

Paul Murphy

This film shows the living cultural heritage of transhumance in Europe: moving livestock to different grazing grounds in a seasonal cycle that goes back as long as people have been farming in the region. In Clare County of Ireland, the filmmaker follows the Burren Beo group through their Winterage Festival celebrating this ancient tradition that allows the region’s unique plant and animal life to flourish. Here, the highlands are grazed in the winter and the lowlands in summer. This is contrasted with the movement of livestock in the north Italian Alps, that are taken to the mountain pastures for the summer.

Watch the full film here

Mongolia, 2018, 11 min

Bayandalai: Lord of the Taiga

Aner Etxebarria Moral and Pablo Vidal Santos

From inside his yurt in northern Mongolia, the reindeer herder Bayandalai ‒ an elder of the Dukhas tribe ‒ muses about the significance of life and death in the largest forest on Earth, the Taiga. Through his connection with the reindeer and with the Taiga, Bayandalai has access to spiritual truths and higher consciousness that he may not be able to pass on to his family members before the lures of city life — jobs, money, houses, things — entice them away.

Watch the trailer here

India, 2015, 73 min

Shepherdess of the glaciers

Stanzin Dorjai & Christiana Mordelet

Tsering is a shepherdess who lives with her flock in the heights of the Gya-Miru valley in Ladakh. At the age of 50, she is the youngest in her village to drive her 350 goats and sheep in transhumance in this region of the Himalayas, located 4000–6000 metres above sea level. A harsh and precarious life, often solitary, challenged by difficult climatic conditions, does not prevent this small woman from singing, laughing and philosophising.

Watch the trailer here

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